
Terrace Rustica, New York, NY

Terrace Rustica

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Located on Fifth Avenue, the terrace garden is intended to distill a sense of the countryside aesthetic that the client had become accustomed to prior to moving to the city. The introduction of a tall bamboo screen provides privacy on the northern border, and simultaneously directs attention to the open view to the south. A set of antique shutter doors reveal draping vines that shelter a distressed stucco facade. Glazed ceramic pots surround the adjacent doors and layered evergreen shrubs are positioned along the perimeter of the terrace. To connect the garden with the tree canopy of Central Park beyond, a line of evergreen trees are strategically placed along the outer corridor.

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The entire terrace was designed to complement the antique shutter doors. The application of a painted stucco to the brick wall and construction of an additional partition wall provide an agrarian ambiance.

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