By posing essential questions, analyzing site constraints and opportunities, and exploring alternative design solutions, CDL/S carries designs from their earliest stages to their completion. Utilizing a tailored approach involving initial consultations, site analysis, conceptual development, and project management, CDL/S satisfies and surpasses the high expectations of our clients.
CDL/S first meets with the client on a site visit to walk through the existing space and discuss how the client envisions using and enjoying their garden. By drawing on design experience and site-specific details, and understand challenges, while also detecting opportunities, CDL/S plans for navigating various Co-op boards, the Department of Buildings procedures and any other possible approval process needed for the project.
A concept is drawn out as informed by the gathered information of the client’s needs and vision, the site analysis itself, as well as CDL/S’s own design ideas and understanding of form, depth, and intention. CDL/S draws from Christian Duvernois’ knowledge of garden history and his contemporary eye for fine art. After review, revision and approval by the clients, the proposed concept is finalized to ensure that the landscaping will function seamlessly.
Individual projects are systematically executed to ensure that a coordinated installation occurs. At CDL/S, our team works closely with specialized partners to provide an organized, responsive and controlled construction process. An essential aspect of the execution process is to minimize any inconveniences and challenges that may occur. During this phase, a member of CDL/S will be on site every day to ensure the construction process runs seamlessly and to insure the finished garden’s stability and beauty.
Once a project has been executed, CDL/S remains committed to the landscape, ensuring it’s lasting performance over time. CDL/S partners with trusted associated maintenance service providers to sustain completed projects, and through development and knowledge of all designs, we preserve a professional commitment to the sustentation of all installations.
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