
Amoeba Terrace, New York, NY

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[rb_section_title title=”About the project” icon=”con-none” border=”false” margin=”35″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]

The 125 Square Foot residential terrace, accessible only from the apartment’s master bedroom, is enclosed with a combination of built and vegetated screening devices, including an overhead pergola. A stone path provides the primary passage from the master bedroom to the porcelain paver deck, where visitors are greeted by a unique landscape art sculpture. The intimate setting is decorated with armchairs that offer a view of a river rock bed, which is embedded with three amoeba-shaped planters.

[rb_section_title title=”Outcome” icon=”con-none” border=”false” margin=”35″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]

The variety of materials and form, break the rigid exposed terrace into a sheltered private extension of interior living space.

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