
Test Blog Post

  • 8th December 20208/12/20

These past several months have been surreal to say the least. As designers, we have begun to think more about the necessity of outdoor space. Outdoor space is no longer considered an option but often the only option in todays difficult circumstances. Recently we have been revisiting some of our past projects, and noting certain characteristics that have in-turn been greatly helpful during this pandemic. We’d like to highlight Our Roof-To-Table project located in downtown Tribeca. This project possesses several elements that have made it both unique and functional. In particular, its curated and experimental planting palette has proven it to be the ideal quarantine garden.

Looking back, what started as a simple request for some edible options at this rooftop garden project, transformed to a full-on roof to table tradition in the making. Once the garden was planted, the biologically diverse plantings began to thrive under the sunny location in downtown Tribeca. Perennial herbs now grow abundantly, making the space a true kitchen garden. The homeowner enjoys creating unique recipes from the garden,

The abundance of diverse edible options allow o A true working garden, the project can be seen as a bit of an ongoing experiment. Within the rooftop space, one can find unique annual or perennial herbs, fruiting trees, and berries of all sorts. Not only do humans benefit from this diverse ecosystem, but wildlife too. The thoughtfully chosen planting scheme is portrayed in the illustrative plan below. The various symbols depict plants as one or a combination of the following; Perennial, Annual, Fruit, Vegetable, Companion Plant, Pollinator Support and/or Evergreen.

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