
Art Meets Landscape in ‘Un Jardin En Plus’

  • 20th June 201820/06/18

Conceived to meet the clients’ wishes for a one-of-a-kind outdoor table in their new Everlasting Terrace Garden; this sculptural centerpiece was created in our landscape art studio as an illusory take on the surrounding landscape and sky. Entitled “Un Jardin En Plus” (meaning “An Extra Garden” in French), the piece gives the impression of an interdimensional garden within a garden.

From afar, the table has a clean appearance with a thick acrylic top to reflect the color of the open sky, set over a solid matte black base which reinforces the tone of the existing furniture and rails. As one approaches the table, however, a mixed composition of faux plants begins to materialize into view amidst a seemingly endless inner perimeter, achieved by a strategic series of mirrored surfaces. Tracing the contours of the faux foliage reveals to the viewer an infinity garden within the bounds of a contained volumetric form. And for a special night effect, small LED lights were interwoven throughout the topography of this piece to resonate a starry night sky in an urban New York landscape.

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